Potash Mobilizer Bio Fertilizers is a beneficial bacterium capable of mobilizing Potassium available in soil into the root zone of plants. It works well in all types of soil. Use of such bacteria in powder form can increase the availability of more potash in usable form to the plants. When applied to soil, potash mobilising bacterium multiplies, and helps to mobilise potassium fixe
d in soil. This mobilized potassium is easily available to the plants and reduces Potassium application. The mobilizing power is so high that it can save upto 50-60% of the chemical potassium fertilizer.
Mobilizes the unsoluble potash in the soil into easily available form to the plant
Potash mobilized is immediately available to the plants
Stimulates flowering and fruiting
Improves soil properties and sustains soil fertility
Encourages plumpness and succulence of fruits and grains and increases brix level
Increases the yield from 10% - 20%
Improves the quality of produce and thus fetches good price
Mobilize insoluble potash form to soluble form in the rhizosphere
Fortification of the soils with bacterial metabolites and by secreting growth promoters
F.aurentia have the ability to mobilize 8-12 Kgs K/ha
It results in average increase in yield of 15-30%
Results in increased mineral and water uptake
It also promotes root development and vegetative growth